Audrey 2 month check up

April 15, 2009

I cannot believe we have a 10 week old – how is this possible?! Anyway, it’s true and she just had her two month check up. Here are the stats:
Weight – 11 pounds 4.5 oz
Height- 22.5 inches long
Both are around the 50% – our average little girl is still average! Other than growing, Audrey enjoys eating, sleeping, smiling, and watching Izzy run around. She especially smiles when she hears Izzy’s voice, it is very cute!
Izzy is now referring to herself in the third person. So everything is “Izzy hungry, Izzy tired, Izzy potty…..” It’s fun to be able to have almost normal conversations with her! She also loves to tell us what Audrey is doing. “Audrey eating, Audrey sleeping, Audrey not happy….”

April 8, 2009

This past month has been a blur. Izzy potty trained in 3 days – something I was not planning to do, but she was obviously ready! Thanks Izzy for keeping us on our toes! Then we had to make a quick trip home to attend grandpa’s funeral. After a few days of connecting with family we were back and Beth was out for a visit. And later that week I was back to work – whew! These are just the highlights, but my head is still spinning. Audrey is doing well – learning how to sleep through the night and getting used to our chaotic life! She is now able to track with her eyes better and look around and enjoy the sights. She lights up when you smile at her and is starting the make the cutesy cooing noises babies are so good at. The girls are adapting well to having mommy gone and the babysitter’s here during the day. Izzy has her moments of needing extra mommy love, but overall she is handling all the changes really well.

This past weekend was amazing. Sunny and 70 = perfect. On Saturday, we broke out the double jogger and went to Green Lake for a 3 mile stroll. On Sunday, we put on the backpack and the moby and headed out to Discovery Park for a little hiking action. We are enjoying these lovely days in Seattle, there are so many wonderful places to explore!