A Fresh Start

July 14, 2009

So, we’re attempting to restart our blogging efforts. First, an update to our location and name (our previous locale, threebumps, just wasn’t cutting it considering that the three of us are now 4 with the addition of Audrey); and second, we’re trying to find a quick and easy way to post more regularly. To this end, we’ll be trying out a couple of different blogging tools over the next few weeks, so apologies if the site looks a little funky at times. Sometimes these different programs have a bad habit of screwing around with the way everything looks/works, etc, even though WordPress is normally great to work with.

This particular post was written with Blogo, a Mac-only editor. Also on tap is MarsEdit, and finally we’ll give Ecto a shot too. Listen, we realize that a piece of software won’t make us any more thoughtful or intentional in updating this blog more frequently, but… hopefully we can find something that’ll make it so easy to post that it’ll actually take effort not to. That’s the hope at least. So far, Blogo scores +1pts for ease of setup and use.

And yes, that is the official logo for the Blogo software. Some nerdy bunny-guy. Ummm… it’s cute and all, but really? Is that the best option they had?! -1pts for embarrassing logo.