Way Out West

July 16, 2009

Our good friends Cory and Katie Rutledge, along with their son Maclain, made the trek way out west and are in town this week. It’s so much fun to be able to catch up with old friends, doubly-so when catching up is super natural and low-key. This is always the case with the Rutledges, and just one element of our relationship that we really appreciate. No matter how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other or spoken, it doesn’t take more than a minute or two for us to be back to our old jokes, memories and habits. Yesterday, we recalled college memories, contemplated the mysteries of parenthood, and got all theological as we discussed the challenges of living out our faith in real and humble way. All of this taking place in about as much time as it took to walk over across the Fremont bridge and order a latté.

The kids fed the geese down by the canal, we did coffee @Fremont Coffee House, had lunch from Orrapin in Queen Anne (they have the best pad thai), and then they were off to the San Juan Islands for an afternoon/evening of whale-watching. It was a ton of fun seeing them, especially here in Seattle — there’s something unique about being able to spend time with old friends in brand new settings.