Lovin’ Summer

July 20, 2009

What an awesomely beautiful weekend here in Seattle! The weather was pristine, and we made great use of it! Saturday, we went for a morning hike at Carkeek park, located just a little ways north of us along the Sound. Carkeek has great, well-groomed walking trails throughout the woods, and a kids playground located at the main park area. Izzy enjoyed playing on the teeter-totter and swings, and then we were off hiking again (this time I carried both the girls)!

While at Carkeek, we randomly bumped into the Rutledges again (seeing them 3 times last week, we almost started thinking that they had moved to Seattle)! Cory, seeing a 25′ concrete salmon slide said, “I simply must have a picture of me inside that.” I obliged:

Then, on Sunday, we ventured out after church to Costco, to replenish the stock of diapers and baby wipes. Sometimes, I feel a little awkward buying in bulk — but when you go through diapers and wipes with 2 kids, it really helps to save some cash in the long run. We stopped off and grabbed Costco hotdogs and chicken bakes for dinner, and then seeing as we still had some time before the evening’s Powerhour (Powerhour, the period of time, typically 1 hour, in which both girls get baths, Audrey nurses, Izzy gets stories read to her, and they both head to bed), we drove out to the Magnolia Overlook. This spot has quickly become one of my favorite vantage points of the city, Sound, and Rainier. We were lucky to be able to take a couple of shots with Rainier standing in all its glory behind the city and the girls. Gorgeous.