July 29, 2009

Ok, ok… it’s late, and I should be in bed. I know — and to be fair, I am in bed. But, you see, sleep has so far eluded me as I lay here and stew in the unbelievably warm night air. This is Seattle, right?! Because if I had to guess, it feels a little more like ATL at the moment.

All I know is that it’s 1:25am, and the mercury is pegged at 78 degrees, with 60% humidity. Back home, that’s what we call muggy. Emphasis on the UGH. Tomorrow it should be close to 100. Global warming? El Nino? Who knows… but sweating and sleeping are an incompatible combination for me.

One Response to “mUGHy”

  1. Just found your new blog! glad we can keep up on you all some how. Hope you are doing well. We had a good time seeing you guys this summer!

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